Software Development London | Website Developer United Kingdom | CRM Development Company | Virtual Assistants | British Infotech

Technical Support

We will be glad to support you every step of the way, committed to helping you achieve your goals.
Terminology for

Technical Support

Inevitably, some difficulties may arise with technology, but our team is here to assist you.
If the issue is related to software built by us, we are more than happy to provide support. We primarily categorize support requests into three distinct groups:
Software Development London | Website Developer United Kingdom | CRM Development Company | Virtual Assistants | British Infotech
Software Development London | Website Developer United Kingdom | CRM Development Company | Virtual Assistants | British Infotech

Software Bugs

Should you come across a bug in our software, we will mend it free of charge within the warranty period if it’s a true flaw in our code.
However, if it’s discovered that our code has been altered by your employee or agent, additional charges will apply.
Software Development London | Website Developer United Kingdom | CRM Development Company | Virtual Assistants | British Infotech

Environmental Problems

If the website/application is hosted on our server and the issue is related to our hosting service, we will provide a free resolution while it’s still hosted with us.
If your website/application is hosted elsewhere and you’ve requested our support, any charges for time to diagnose and repair (if applicable) will be incurred if it’s related to hosting environment or other factors outside our code.
Software Development London | Website Developer United Kingdom | CRM Development Company | Virtual Assistants | British Infotech

New Feature Requests

If your request for support involves developing a new feature or modifying an existing one beyond the original project scope, we will provide a quote for its development.
Software Development London | Website Developer United Kingdom | CRM Development Company | Virtual Assistants | British Infotech
Submit a

Support Request

By submitting a support request, you are indicating your acceptance of the above terms and conditions.

Software Development London | Website Developer United Kingdom | CRM Development Company | Virtual Assistants | British Infotech

Unlock new opportunities through

Join forces with our team of experts to achieve
your goals, innovate, and reach greater heights together.
Let’s make progress happen, hand in hand.
Software Development London | Website Developer United Kingdom | CRM Development Company | Virtual Assistants | British Infotech